Development of an Implementation Guide

Udviklingen af denne vejledning er den aktivitet, der samler al viden og alle resultater under et ensartet koncept. Denne vejledning vil blive offentliggjort ved hjælp af et “tværmediekoncept” og indeholde webbaserede elementer samt indhold til udskrivning (afhængigt af resultaterne vil der blive udviklet multimediebaseret materiale til vejledningen som et andet “bedste praksiseksempel”).

This implementation guide serves as a comprehensive resource that provides an overview of the project’s finings as well as some step-by-step instructions, best practices, and recommendations for successfully adopting and implementing the multimedia-based content or how to use the tested platforms. It offers practical guidance to individuals or organizations looking to implement a new initiative by outlining key considerations, strategies, and tools. The purpose of this Implementation Guide is to streamline the implementation process, increase efficiency, and ensure successful adoption by providing a structured roadmap for achieving desired outcomes.

Implementation Guide - Cover InterMedia Project

The cover of the 88-page Implementation Guide.


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