Implementation Guide

The project team developed the latest version of the implementation guide. It includes enhancements and detailed explanations of technical terms through footnotes. This helps with the comprehension and handling of expressions. The guide has 88 pages in total. It provides a comprehensive overview and summary of the project’s outcomes. It is complemented by three additional reports: Multiple Devices, Multimedia Tools, and Learning Platform.

Example pages of Version 2.1

Here are two examples of specific pages of the report.

Implementation Guide Example-page-Intermedia-Project InfoGraphics_Multiple_Devices_InterMedia-Project Implementation Guide
This is an example of how technical terms are explained with footnotes. These specific infographics give a visual overview of content-related outputs of the project (the example shows the overview of Multiple Devices).

What’s in the Implementation Guide?

The guide summarizes four project objectives. These include the multiple device issue. It also covers an analysis of various multimedia tools. Additionally, there’s a summary of experiences with four WordPress-based learning platform Plugins. Lastly, the guide provides instructions developed by the team to support users.

Who can use the Implementation Guide?

The implementation guide targets adult educators, organizations, and individuals in adult education. The text provides an overview of multimedia-based and interactive training content. It demonstrates the implementation of technology-enabled training and learning. The intention is also to offer guidance for incorporating modern training courses.

Where to get the guide?

The implementation guide can be downloaded (for free) under a CC 4.0 By-NC-SA Licence from the project’s download page.


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