6 Final Meeting Angra do Heroismo (PT)

The project’s final meeting took place in Angra do Heroismo, Portugal, and was hosted by the partner AJITER. This meeting was a crucial opportunity for team members to gather, review and evaluate the project’s progress, and formally bring it to a close. It allowed the project team to evaluate the outcomes, identify what went well, and highlight areas that require improvement.
The lessons learned during this reflective process were extremely valuable for future projects, ensuring that similar challenges can be better managed or even avoided altogether. By celebrating the project’s achievements and acknowledging the hard work of all involved, the final meeting contributed to building team morale and fostered a sense of accomplishment. Ultimately, this final gathering ensures that everyone is on the same side, and the project’s objectives have been met, paving the way for a smooth transition to future endeavours.

This brief presentation gives an overview of the handled issues and the finally done decisions.

Final meeting in Angra do Heroismo – a summary by Peter Mazohl

The major tasks at this meeting were the agreement to the final versions of the developed project’s outcomes:

  • The Multimedia Tools Report
    This is a compilation of the analysed multimedia tools, and a summary of the gained experiences.
  • The Platform Report
    This document gives a brief overview of the selected, analysed and evaluated four WordPress Modules for implementing a learning platform.
  • The implementation Guide
    The approximately 90-page document gives a comprehensive overview of the project’s outcomes, and includes recommendations, technical descriptions, and implementation hints to use multimedia-based and interactive content in Adult Education training environments.

All documents are available from the project’s download page.

The project Team (Terceira 2023)

The project team at the final meeting in Terceira. from left to right: Martin Savchev, Diyana Todorova, and Jorge Martinez (Brainlog), Ana Avila (AJITER), Peter Mazohl (coordinator, EBI), Alessia Bevilacqua and Luca Petrilli (EuphoriaNet). Décio Santos (AJITER) has taken the picture.

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