
Padlet is a web-based tool that allows users to create digital bulletin boards, known as “walls,” where they can collaborate, organize, and share various types of content, such as text, images, videos, links, and documents. These walls can be customized with different layouts, themes, and privacy settings, depending on the user’s needs and preferences.

The primary use of Padlet is for collaborative brainstorming, creativity, and sharing of ideas and resources among groups, such as students, teachers, teams, and communities. For example, a teacher can create a Padlet wall for a class project and invite students to contribute their research, insights, and feedback. A team leader can use Padlet to collect feedback, ideas, and suggestions from team members during a remote meeting or brainstorming session. A community organizer can create a Padlet wall for sharing resources, events, and announcements with members.

Padlet can also be used for personal organization and curation of information, such as creating a vision board, a reading list, or a portfolio of achievements. It can be accessed from any device with an internet connection and has a user-friendly interface that requires no coding or design skills.

Padlet is a versatile tool that enhances collaboration, creativity, and organization in various contexts and industries, from education and business to arts and entertainment.


Padlet is an online collaboration tool that allows users to create digital bulletin boards, known as “pads,” to share and organize information. The platform features a user-friendly interface that enables individuals or groups to add text, images, links, videos, and other multimedia content to their pads. Users can customize the layout and appearance of their pads, as well as choose from a variety of templates and backgrounds. Padlet can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as brainstorming, project management, note-taking, and event planning.

Tool description
Name of the tool Padlet
Web page URL
Type of use Web-based

o Download

Type of license o Free use of all functions

Free use of basic functions (fee for “PRO” Version”)

o Educational License

o Pay Version

Tool characteristic

Cooperative work possible
o Creates re-usable content
Created content needs a host to be displayed
Content can be displayed independently from the used Operating System
o Content can be downloaded for local use

Possible use of the tool

Use to create additional multimedia-based (mm-b) content (graphics, videos, animations, …)
o Use to create interactive content
o Use to create complete learning units
o Use to create interactive / mm-b assessments, self-evaluation units or similar applications
o other (please describe)

Initial estimation
  1. Easy to use
    O complete agreement partial approval       O little approval            O no consent at all
  2. Well-done user interface
    O complete agreement partial approval       O little approval            O no consent at all
  3. Easy to learn
    O complete agreement O partial approval        little approval           O no consent at all
  4. Useful for future course development
    O complete agreement partial approval       O little approval            O no consent at all

Tool evaluation


  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Customizable layout and design options
  • Versatile use cases for personal, educational, and business purposes
  • Collaboration features that allow for real-time updates and commenting
  • Integration with other tools for added functionality


  • Limited functionality with the free version, requiring a subscription for more advanced features
  • Limited storage for media files with the free version
  • Limited formatting options for text content
  • May require some training or familiarity with online collaboration tools for some users.

Tips for Using Padlet:

  • Before creating a Padlet, determine the purpose and audience for your board.
  • Use different formats such as text, images, videos, and links to make the board more engaging and interactive.
  • Choose an appropriate layout and design for your board, keeping in mind the content and the intended use.
  • Utilize the collaboration feature by inviting others to contribute to your board or by working together on a shared board.
  • Monitor and moderate the content on your board regularly to ensure it stays relevant and appropriate.
  • Take advantage of the sharing options to distribute your board to others, whether it’s through a link or by embedding it on a website or blog.

Download the Tool Analysis Sheet

Here are the samples & pilots

Padlet ( offers several benefits for use in a pedagogical environment. Here are some specific benefits. The tool provides a Read more
Padlet is an extremely easy-to-use tool that allows learners to collaborate online by posting text, images, links, documents, videos, and Read more
In the frame of the preparation of the first Learning-Teaching-Training Event in Odense (Denmark) we created a small Padlet. This Read more


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